
  • Customer Support
  • Customer Acquisition & Retention
  • Revenue model
  • Technical Support
  • Inbuilt Tools like R. Buzz, OEA and Livezilla (Chat)
  • Customized solution for all Business verticals.
  • Technology Solutions – IVR, Payment modes, Chat etc.
  • Product Tech support services – End to end technical support
  • Customer/Field Support Services.

SBS HR Solutions

SBS HR Solutions is a young and dynamic organization, having passion for what we do and committed to providing best recruitment solutions in an cost-effective, custom-crafted requirement.

We are also a 'one stop' solution for all Human Resource related needs to a select group of clients in diverse verticals. We have employed industries best HR Consultants, who meticulously nurture and gear to the highest professional and ethical standards.

HUMAN RESOURCE, being the most valuable source of an organization, needs to be organized effectively and utilized optimally. SBS has all the expertise to bring about strategic changes that is critical to an overall Organizational Development, Planning and Growth.

To help attain this objective, we also offer:

  1. Evolving effective Human Resource Management Systems
  2. Placement Services
  3. Employee morale survey
  4. Organization CULTURE survey
  5. Job/Role Descriptions
  6. Redesigning & restructuring HR Strategies, Systems, Policies & Procedures
  7. Improve organizational overall effectiveness, efficiency & accountability
  8. Implementing Personnel Audit Systems


Executive Search

SBS understands the trend across different verticals identifying the best candidate for a particular job by relationship building engagement.

Contract Staffing

SBS remains as one among the leaders in the temporary staffing industry by continually standing out as more than just another Recruitment consultancy.

Advantages of Temporary staffing
  • Gives an opportunity for organisations to focus on core areas
  • Flexibility of employment
  • Ease of recruitment and replacement
  • Long-term cost advantages
  • Customized employee handbooks
  • Training seminars
  • Labour Law Compliance
  • Proper employment documentation
  • Violence in the work place
  • Hostile work environments
  • Sexual harassment training
  • Results oriented employee counselling
  • Effective interviewing skills
  • End to End Payroll calculations & disbursement
  • Attendance Audit
  • Quarterly and annual federal and state tax filings & overall Statutory Compliance
  • Timely deposit of payroll tax withholdings
  • Workers' compensation

Human Resource Management System, refers to the systems and processes between human resource and information technology. It merges HR as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, integrating into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction, which makes this software application both rigid and flexible.

The function of human resources (HR) departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, our HRMS encompass:

  • Payroll
  • Time and Attendance
  • Absence Management
  • Employee Self-Service
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Recruitment / Learning Management
  • Performance record
  • Intranet Bulletin

Why Do We Need HRMS?

The pros to cons ratio for the employment of our HRMS nears infinity. There is an extensive array of services that a single IT integrated HRM system can provide. It can work faster and more efficiently than any other previous mechanism in place.

Here below, is a list of advantages that our HRMS system offers:

  1. It provides a single comprehensive database that includes within itself all data that is vital to the company’s organisation.
  2. The HRMS enables a strong structural connectivity across various units and activities, it increases the operational speed manifold
  3. The SBS HRMS increases competitiveness and reduces redundancies by improving HR management and data processing capabilities.
  4. The HRM designed by the SBS R&D team is capable of gathering, sorting and assimilating large amounts of data to help produce valuable options and alternatives in the case of operational redundancies.
  5. SBS’s ability to absorb large amounts of data with the help of their advanced software suites is only exemplified by the time in which the software is able to produce real time data.
  6. Streamlining and seeking out operational inefficiencies in HR will help enable its better management and administration.
  7. Implementation of software for routine purposes enables the freeing up of personnel in HR, in the process empowering their mental faculties to do more creative and productive work. As a result they are able to re-engineer and pioneer new HR techniques and mechanisms.
  8. Great reduction in the time taken by a customer to reach a human voice when technical assistance is needed, or a query answered or a warranty honoured.
  9. The time for a customer to reach human aide via telephone decreases, this effect is profound in larger firms who have a very large clientele.
  10. It is dependent on the willingness and Machiavelli of the executive board to adopt automated processes that enables faster response times.

Why use SBS HRMS?

Save money.

The conventional method of record keeping involves a large number of clerks and then managers capable of putting the data together. It is prone to human error and is inefficient as in it is ineffective.

Fewer risks.

A HRMS can enable the safeguarding of legal interests; it helps avoid any oversight on the part of the recruitment team. Any violation of law will be picked up by the HRMS and it will alert the company that the candidate is not suitable and could potentially put the company in legal turmoil by making it susceptible to law suits.


Our software can be tailor made to suit needs and the budget of a client. It will never be overtly expensive as the base programming is common to all versions of the software suite developed by SBS incorporated. Even if it is slightly on the expensive side, it is bound to pay back its owners within a period of three years. It is very effective for bigger companies with an international marketplace.

Unquestionably credible.

It is far more credible than any system that is run by personnel, no matter how skilled, trained or experienced. It doesn’t produce errors with the same frequency as its human counter parts and as a result there is far less strain on the customer-client relationship.

Responsive service.

SBS takes great pride in seeing that its software is redesigned and reengineered from scratch if necessary to suit the needs of the customer.

Focus on core tasks.

There is a reduction of time spent on routine tasks, allowing employees to be more creative in their time

Up-to-date expertise.

All software designed by SBS is designed to enable active data updates, to ensure that the system remains current on all the changes in the technological world.

SBS’s infrastructure and IT outsourcing ability is one of the best available in the marketplace. The IT department is very prominent in our large organisation; they continue to surprise and produce the most ingenious and innovative of programming solution to tackle any problem administrative in nature.

SBS prides itself on having such a dedicated and talented workforce. They’re augmented with an equally impressive infrastructure that has been built keeping in mind the necessities of the work involved.