
Join the fastest growing company

Sun Business Solutions is a young yet healthy company, one of the best when it comes to outsourcing processes in the corporate world. Commiserate with the values of Sun Business Solutions is the welfare of the employees and the satisfaction of customers. Sun Business Solutions incorporates in its processes; the very best of technology, the best of infrastructure, but this is not the defining characteristic of Sun Business Solutions. The accolades of Sun Business Solutions stems from a brilliant dedicated workforce who’s every need is prioritised and dealt with so that their growth and development occurs in conjunction with that of Sun Business Solutions.

Sun Business Solutions excels at training employees to compete within the organisation; it enables them to better themselves as professionals. The training provided at Sun Business Solutions to employees is one the most philanthropic gestures of good faith imaginable. Sun Business Solutions expects very little in return from an employee, she/he works as trained for both the betterment of our organisation and also in the interests of their own personal growth.

Employees at Sun Business Solutions are at different stages of their careers, different employees need different kinds of training and different development experiences. A student or a degree holder has only the bare minimum requisite knowledge from education; Sun Business Solutions helps mould and polish them for life in the corporate world. Sun Business Solutions provides more than just training; it offers to our employees a very global perspective on issues that concern them and Sun Business Solutions.

Sun Business Solutions offers so much to the employee, none which has anything to do with what has been learnt at an educational institute. We provide much more than just knowledge, we are in the field of applying that knowledge to the betterment of an entity, business or otherwise.


Sun Business Solutions goes beyond what is conventionally considered training; the development of employees under the tutelage of the HR department is heartbeat of our operational services. It is not only that employees are taught how to feed and receive data on a computer. It helps them get a bigger perspective. A fully trained professional is able to see business opportunities and establish a rapport with the client thus enabling Sun Business Solutions to find more business partners.


  1. Sun Business Solutions has tremendous experience in training new employees and offer an array of opportunities to our trainees.
  2. The vision of Sun Business Solutions targets a sustainable growth, this is possible only if the new recruits are trained and looked after by Sun Business Solutions. Their training is followed up by orientation into our Rs2000 million enterprise.
  3. Sun Business Solutions places more value on the growth and development of an employee rather paying undue attention to their liability to the company.



  1. Training at Sun Business Solutions pays special focus on establishing the ideals of functional competence to employees and their roles in it.
  2. Sun Business Solutions offers them a chance at understanding the very core of the outsourcing business as in financing, corporate strategy, economics, IT, ITES, HRM, CRM and all other necessary tools of a company that provides the highest level and extensive array or outsourced services.
  3. Sun Business Solutions is always on the search for talented leaders of men. If and when a candidate, worthy and willing is detected, a sense of direction and responsibility is inculcated into said employee.
  4. It is in best interests of Sun Business Solutions to help develop reflective thinking in the minds of their employees so that they introspect to find character flaws in themselves and rectify them making them better employees and more importantly better people, in line with the values of Sun Business Solutions.